What are therapy hours?
Chrysalis operates morning and afternoon sessions. The morning session is typically 8 am - 12 pm. The afternoon session is typically 12 pm - 4 pm. Schedules can vary based on individual needs of the learner, their family and the clinic.
Who will be working with my child?
Registered Behavior Technicians (RBT) will work directly with your learner. The RBT implements the day-to-day programs through out the session.
Board Certified Behavior Analysts complete assessments, program supervision and work directly with your learner. The analyst directs the program and monitors the learners progress.
What ages does Chrysalis work with?
Chrysalis will begin working with learners as early as they get a diagnosis. This can be as early as 18 months or younger. Chrysalis specializes in early intensive behavioral intervention, thus intakes learners until age 5. Therapy doesn't end at age 5 though. Chrysalis will continue to work with the learner until it is determine another learning environment is needed. This typically occurs around ages 6-7 years. Chrysalis then supports parents in identifying the next appropriate placement for services.
Where does therapy occur?
Although Chrysalis is primarily clinic-based, learners are supported in the home, community, educational, social, and clinic settings. Intervention can occur in any environment including the living room, park, restaurant, worship settings, etc.
Will my child interact with other learners?
When the learner is ready and it is appropriate, therapy is structured to include group learning opportunities. Intentional group activities are planned into the learners day. The group setting can be used to teach social skills and group learning.
How often is caregiver training?
All caregivers are required to participate in family training on at least a monthly basis. Many families choose to attend family training biweekly. Chrysalis can accomodate most schedules to ensure skills are carried over into the home. Through these trainings, caregivers are empowered to support their learner for the rest of their lives.